My biggest worry was how our spoiled only-puppy would feel about an invader. Thus far he has sniffed her, walked near her without freaking out, and FALLEN ASLEEP NEXT TO HER!
If that's not a sign of her being a member of the family, I don't know what is.
If only cat introductions could go that well. After 10 days of hissing and stinky poo - we have successfully accomplished a single butt sniffing.
See the butt sniffing is the step after the sleeping with each other stage which happened a few days ago - sounds oddly similar to adult relationships - you know you never know who someone is or what they really smell like until you get the sleeping together part out of the way first.
All done with lampshade kitty - he's so stressed from the move that he's licked a patch of fur bald and now goes by the name of lampshade - who despite his distress - still insists on loving Mickey - so cute - especially the let me put my arm around you - get the fuck off hiss in the middle of night next to my head.
Things I'm Not Good At: geometry, fractions, subtraction, remembering dates, understanding left from right, figuring out how to get places without directions, paying bills on time, returning phone calls, making phone calls, meeting deadlines, not taking responsibility for things that aren't my fault, controlling my temper
Things I'm Good At:: reading, writing, understanding the subtext, listening, figuring out how someone actually feels about something, standing up for what I believe in, holding grudges, remembering faces for years, saying incredibly offensive things while watching tv, being right even when I'm wrong, being stubborn, enjoying obnoxious art house movies and modern art, coming up with solutions instead of waiting for someone else to.
1 comment:
If only cat introductions could go that well. After 10 days of hissing and stinky poo - we have successfully accomplished a single butt sniffing.
See the butt sniffing is the step after the sleeping with each other stage which happened a few days ago - sounds oddly similar to adult relationships - you know you never know who someone is or what they really smell like until you get the sleeping together part out of the way first.
All done with lampshade kitty - he's so stressed from the move that he's licked a patch of fur bald and now goes by the name of lampshade - who despite his distress - still insists on loving Mickey - so cute - especially the let me put my arm around you - get the fuck off hiss in the middle of night next to my head.
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