Wednesday, May 14, 2008

10 We-ahd Things You Don't Know About Me

...According to my husband:

I was tagged by Jenny (I do not know how link to her blog) to write ten weird things people don't know about me. And whenever I say the word weird in my head I say it "we-ahd" like my little cousin in law who can't say his r's. I don't know why, I just do. Maybe that's number one. Anyway, because I generally am not even aware of the odd things that I do, this list will be composed by my husband, as he is the first person to call my awareness to, and then laugh at, my we-ahdness.
1. "You do the pee-pee dance when you're bored or you think no one is looking". Yes, I do. I jiggle my knees and bounce up and down without thinking about it. No, I usually don't have to pee when I do this.
2. "You people watch so much sometimes you walk into things." People fascinate me. And I like to analyze their character based on their choice of outfit that day. Then I run into a wall.
......and that's all he could think of. Granted, he's working on the brakes to his truck and not focusing on me like he should be, but still. I'm weirder than that. I will continue with my own list:
3. I hiccup multiple times every day and have so since I was in my mother's womb. Usually after eating.
4. I have tourette's syndrom, but only in my head. I think of horrible sexist, racist, insulting, vulgar things to say in response to commercials on TV.
5. I hate the feeling of water drying on my skin. Danny tortures me by licking my skin and then blowing air on the saliva. One of those gross things they don't tell you really constitutes a marriage.
6. When hungover the only food I will eat is a sourdough jack from jack in the box with no ketchup and no bacon. If they mess up the order I won't eat it.
7. I'd rather drive a beat up old car than my current mercedes so I don't have to worry about taking care of it.
8. I can't walk over grates or bridges that I can see the ground through. Yes, just like a cow.
9. When I'm really, really tired I feel like sucking my thumb. One time I tried it just to see if it would be comforting and it felt strange.
10. I get random words stuck in my head and repeat them over and over in my head. Or phrases. I can get songs stuck in my head for days at a time. One time I had "Love Shack" stuck in my head for a week. I'm still paranoid about hearing that song.


GraphikDeziner said...


Nothing like a private pee pee dance to make you happy.

Love shack is a little ole place where we can get together, yah, love shack, baby love shack....and those are all the words I can remember at 2am.

and omg i think I have witnessed a Mia first....a MISPELLING...OMG...I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW.

FYI - "I" before "E" except after "C"

not "I" before "E" except after "W"

ie - Weirdnss = that would be your non-existent German heritage speaking (of course I have no idea if you have any german in you - unless you have been drinking Jager anytime recently)

ok im done ranting - back to not working and psyching myself up for the work I am not going to do.

GraphikDeziner said...

oh i forgot...go to

- click the menu button on the far left of the slide show

-click "specialty"

-click on the last square in the slideshow - and wave mouse over image to reveal caption.